How you can make your reps want to oppose their party leaders
Hi, I’m Dr. Jo Jorgensen, the 2020 Presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party. I’m sending this message to two groups of people…
- 68,000 of the best people who originally subscribed to my campaign email list.
- 7,000 members of Agenda Setters by Downsize DC
I want both groups to know – and you specifically – that I’ve joined Agenda Setters by Downsize DC to achieve some exciting goals. I hope those who followed my campaign in 2020 will join too. It will cost you nothing, but it could change everything.
Just let me know how you feel about the legislation described below.
This is potent legislation that would control the government rather than you. This bill is introduced in both the House and the Senate.
In addition, the prospects for passing it have never been better. It’s both a libertarian concept and MAGA-friendly, but perhaps best of all…
Even old-fashioned, “good government” lefties should love it!
This idea is genuinely transpartisan but with a big libertarian impact.
Here’s what you need to know…
Jim Babka and Perry Willis, co-founders of Downsize DC, created three powerful pieces of legislation. Incredibly, all three of these bills have already been introduced in Congress!
I will tell you about the first bill in this message and the other bills in future messages. Plus…
There will be other powerful reforms to come! The first bill is called…
The One Subject at a Time Act
This bill (OSTA for short) will do exactly what the title suggests. It will limit every bill Congress passes to just one topic.
That means no more giant omnibus bills with multiple unknown and unrelated subjects.
That also means far fewer bills that are too long for any human to read and debate.
Does OSTA sound too simple to have a meaningful impact? Consider this…
Congressional leaders hate this bill because it will make them less powerful!
But back-benchers in Congress, perhaps your representative, will love this idea because it will increase their influence!
Specifically, the leaders will lose their ability to pass unpopular bills by clustering them with sure-to-pass measures, such as military appropriations. And your reps will no longer feel compelled to approve things they dislike. Plus…
OSTA would slow the cancerous growth of government!
Think about it. If Congressional leaders can’t use popular ideas to pass unpopular measures, then the number of new laws created will shrink, and fewer bills you hate will become law. On top of that…
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC has a straightforward plan to get this legislation passed
- Get reps to co-sponsor this popular, transpartisan bill. Keep going, if necessary, until we get a majority.
- On the way to our majority sponsorship, pressure congressional leaders to bring OSTA to a vote.
- If the leaders refuse, once we have a majority, use a Discharge Petition to force a vote.
But why should we expect a congressional majority to sponsor this legislation? Remember…
- OSTA will make each representative more powerful by making the leaders less powerful.
- Your reps will no longer have to support things they oppose just to pass measures they want more.
Most members of Congress will want this once they become aware of it. Indeed, OSTA has already inspired the House to create a beefed-up one-subject rule, but the leaders have managed to waive that rule several times. That’s why we need a strong law instead.
But who will enforce our law if congressional leaders ignore it? Good question! OSTA requires that any law containing more than one subject must be considered null and void by the courts. That means no congressional leader will want to risk invalidating one proposal by combining it with another!
Can you see why I’m so excited about this idea?
How do we get a majority to co-sponsor OSTA?
Jim and Perry have devised two powerful strategies to achieve this…
Option Activism and The 300!
Three hundred Spartans famously held off many thousands of Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae. In your district, 300 citizens could have an equally heroic effect. An idea called Option Activism will help us to recruit The 300 where you live.
Option Activism means you sign up to take action, then wait until enough other people (300!) make the same commitment. You do nothing until you’re sure that doing something will succeed.
So what is the action? Simple. We think 300 local constituents can be more powerful than one paid lobbyist. Imagine…
A small group of citizens visits your local congressional office. They ask the rep to sponsor the bill.
The bill has transpartisan support. Democrats like it. Republicans like it. Independents like it. Libertarians like it. Everyone likes it.
In many cases, that single visit will be enough to get the bill sponsored. But if not, the process keeps going…
The second group might be two, three, or five people.
Then another group goes the next week, and another group the week after. And so it goes, week after week until all 300 people have participated in at least one visit.
Most members of Congress will submit at some point during that process. The pressure will get to them. But they’ll also enjoy the benefits OSTA will bring them.
So what do you think?
Do you want to follow the progress as OSTA moves toward passage?
Do you want to be one of The 300 in your district? If so, go here…
This action costs you nothing; join and get ready for the call when all 300 people are recruited. And when the time for action comes, you won’t be acting alone. You will do it in the fellowship of others.
I hope to see your name on your district’s roster for The 300.
Dr. Jo Jorgensen
2020 Libertarian nominee for President
Dr. Jo encourages you to join the 300 for the One Subject at a Time Act.
Coming soon!
See the "300" Agenda Setters in your district
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