How you can end an unconstitutional delegation of power

January 6, 2025

Dr. Jo Jorgensen: You can end the unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to unelected bureaucrats! Here’s how…

I’ve shown you the One Subject at a Time Act (OSTA) and the Read the Bills Act (RTBA).

My friends, Jim Babka and Perry Willis at Agenda Setters by Downsize DC, created these bills.

OSTA prohibits Congressional leaders from combining unrelated measures. No more giant omnibus bills! RTBA requires that every word of every bill must be read by the members of Congress who vote to pass it. The simple act of reading the bills will prevent many bad laws from passing.

These bills have been repeatedly introduced in Congress.

Now comes…

The Write the Laws Act

The Write the Laws Act (WTLA) would prohibit unelected bureaucrats from imposing rules on you.

Only Congress has the constitutional authority to make rules for you to obey. Your representatives cannot delegate this power to unelected executive-branch bureaucrats. Yet they routinely do so.

WTLA would end this unconstitutional delegation!

Bureaucrats would still be able to draft new regulations, but Congress must read, debate, and vote to approve or disapprove them.

This would automatically result in fewer and better regulations!

End unconstitutional delegation, and a new day will dawn!

Can you see how powerful OSTA, RTBA, and WTLA are, both individually and together?

  • These bills will slow the cancerous growth of government.
  • They will improve the quality of the government we do get.
  • They will give you increased power!

The U.S. is different from every other democracy. We have formal laws that limit government power, such as the Bill of Rights. These bills, created by Jim Babka and Perry Willis, expand upon that great American tradition.

Can you see why I’ve joined Agenda Setters by Downsize DC to help get these bills passed?

Will you join with me?

If you’ve read my previous emails, you know our strategies for passing WTLA.

If you need a refresher, please reference my messages on the One Subject at a Time Act and the Read the Bills Act. Even better…

Downsize DC also has articles describing the two key strategies: 1) Option Activism and 2) The 300.

When you’re ready to end unconstitutional delegation, please join The 300 in your district.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Congress hasn’t updated its digital roster, so neither have we. When you receive your confirmation email, worry not about the names listed. If you’re in the right state and district, that’s what matters. The incumbent names will be updated in due time.

I hope to see your name on the roster for The 300 in your district.

Dr. Jo Jorgensen
2020 Libertarian nominee for President

Today’s Action: Join Jo Jorgensen to pass the Write the Laws Act


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